Sat 20 Apr 2024 8:00 PM – 4:00 AM

Meet the Pups 2024: 13. výročí Jsem-Pes

Třináct není nešťastné číslo, protože jinak by právě tak dlouho nevydržela seznamka Jsem-Pes pro české i slovenské příznivce pup-play.

Ať už jsi pejsek, Páníček, nebo jen kamarád či fanoušek této komunity, můžeš si zatančit, popovídat se známými i neznámými, poznat pejsky, které znáš jen z internetu, zadovádět si v zadních místnostech a oslavit s námi tuto jedinečnou událost.


powered by #bearDJs

Hosted by Prague Bears, z.s.

✔ Attend the event wearing as kinky and fetish as possible!
✔ Human or animal costumes, leather, rubber, neoprene, jockstrap, harness are welcome
✔ Drescode not required

✔ Hetero-friendly Event
✔ More info at


✔ Bar & Floor
✔ Draft Beer
✔ Indoor Smoking Area
✔ Lockers

Need accommodation?

Visit prague bears travel

Safe Space Policy at Bigger Clubbing

  • We welcome bodies of all kind, a positive attitude and people who party with respect for one another.
  • Don't assume anyone's gender, pronouns nor sexuality.
  • No homophobia, racism, bodyshaming, ableism, transphobia nor sexism of any kind.
  • Practise active consent in conversations, on dancefloor and in play area - don't touch anyone without their consent.
  • Take care of each other and use substances responsibly - we don't tolerate hard drugs.
  • Physical and/or verbal abuse will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

If you experience any kind of behavior that doesn't align with our safe space policy, please contact staff or security immediately!

Get Involved

  • Would you like to host our party in your club or at your event?
  • Want to be a bear society DJ and contribute to the party?
  • Interrested in partnership or selling products?

Please let us know! :)