HEAVEN Club Gorazdova 11, Prague, Czechia Loc: 50.0747349N, 14.4147541E Boys, bears, cubs, gainers, feeders, fatties, rubber men, jocks, dads, chasers, puppies - all kinds of kink and fetishists and their admirers and friends, they all move to the rhythm of the music mixed by live dj's 🐻 🧔 👨 Calendar Accommodation Info Price Info * Admission 100 CZK in pre-sale, 250 CZK at the door. * Vstupné 100 Kč v předprodeji, 250 Kč na místě ** Free drink of your choice with the ticket ** Ke vstupence drink dle vlastního výběru zdarma *** Happy Hour until 10:00PM 30% discount for mixed drinks VIP Club Benefits ✔ Prague Bears Club ✔ Czech Rubbermen ✔ Jsem-Pes ✔ Heaven Club $ VIP admission must be redeemed by 9:00PM $ VIP vstupné nutno uplatnit do 21:00 DJs PAW.L (#bearDJs, CZ) Peasant (#bearDJs, CZ) powered by #bearDJs Hosted by Prague Bears, z.s.
Party for those who have guts ✔ Don’t be a good guy! ✔ Dress as kinky and fetishistic as possible! ✔ Socialise ✔ Cruise Recommended Dress Code ✔ Harness ✔ Leather ✔ Rubber ✔ Neoprene ✔ Gear ✔ Human or Animal Costumes ✔ Sportswear ✔ Swimwear ✔ Underwear ✔ Jockstrap / Lingerie ✔ Half-dressed or Naked ✔ or just black Venue ✔ Bar & Floor ✔ Draft Beer ✔ Indoor Smoking Area ✔ Lockers ✔ Playrooms Need accommodation? Visit prague bears travel